Sunday, July 17, 2011

trip to Sulawesi isl.

The trip to the island of Sulawesi can be reached by ships and airplanes. From Jakarta (capital of Republic of Indonesia), the trip can be taken about 45 minutes to the international airport of Sultan Hasanuddinin Makassar (the capital of Sulawesi Selatan  province). From all the way from the Jakarta international or national airport can reached the international airport of Sam Ratulangi in  Manado (the capital of Sulawesi Utara province) can be taken about a hour away, with about 20 minutes transit at Makassar. The ticket prices usually vary among 500 -700 thousand rupiahs.
There are at least more than 20 times the flights to and from Jakarta, which is served by almost all the Airlines that is. Supervision is carried Shipbuilding Air Banda Angkasa Pura I. For tourists who are traveling alone, available Official Airport Taxi facilities that will takes you to the City of Makassar. Cost all the way into the city, divided into three zones, wordy zone I to Bridge Tallo, costs Rp. 40 000, Zone II to Jalan Hertasning Rp. 45,000, and Zone III to Jalan Beo Rp. 50,000. If your destination outside the zone, it can consult the Taxi Registration window, at the Hasanuddin Airport Arrival.


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