Friday, July 22, 2011

travelling to Palu

( Mutiara airport, Palu )
Travelling to Palu can be reached by road trip, sea journey and air travel. For migrants from outside the island of Sulawesi travel by air is the main choice. Mutiara Airport is the first gate which we find upon landing in the town of Palu. The location of the airport not far from downtown of the city of Palu, approximately 3 miles. If traveling by sea the ships will be docked in the Port Pantoloan approximately 20 km from Palu. Do not be surprised if you see the gig / gig / horse cart is still there in the streets of the city of Palu. Gig is one means of transportation that sufficient public interest in addition to public transportation and taxis (metered), especially in areas close to traditional markets.

Wellcome to Palu

(on pict. Palu city with Palu bay )

Palu is the capital city of Central Sulawesi province. Located in the valley and docked in the Palu bay. There Palu river which divides the city which empties into the bay with the famous beach, Talise beach. Kaili is the native tribes of this region. Besides, it can be found Buginese, Javanese and the Manado and other tribes. The exc area can be enjoyed around the city include Tanjung Karang beach located about 40 km from Palu. This location is perfect for diving and snorkeling. Another is the beach resort of Tumbelaka Coast. Located 7 miles west of the city of Palu. Visitors can enjoy the beach atmosphere is cool and shady. Enu beach is located in the northern city of Palu, and directly opposite the beach of Tanjung Karang. There is also a source of geothermal water rich in sulfur which is in Bora and in Mantikole. We can also see Wera waterfalls in Mantikole area.
Lore Lindu National Park is located about 60 km south of Palu city. In this area can be found Sulawesi native
( Tanjung Karang beach)
mammal habitat, such as Anoa (Bubalus quarlesi), babirusa (babyrousa babirussa), tangkasi (Tarsium spectrum) and birds Maleo (Macrocephalon maleo). In this area there is Lake Lindu also suitable for tourists who enjoy fishing.

First Flight

 (Kendari, Haluoleo airport )
Lead up to Kendari can be achieved by using the domestic flight company  to the Haluoleo airport in Kendari. When go through the flight track from Sultan Hasanuddin international airport in Makassar, the journey taken is less than 30 minutes. Travel costs varies among 400,000-550,000 IDR.

To Kendari

(on pict : city of Kendari  and Kendari bay )

City of Kendari, the capital of Southeast Sulawesi province is one of the city that is quite old. It's  began when  the arrival of  Bajo and Buginese  traders at Kendari bay. They came and settled due to less favorable politics social conditions that occurred between the kingdom Luwu and the kingdom of Bone  at that time. Early history can be traced from the written scripts from a Dutch writer, Vosmaer (1839) who visited the  Kendari bay for the first time on 9 May 1831.  Vosmaer mentioned at his scripts, that the city of Kendari  at that time functioning as a trading city, port city and seat of the kingdom. In 1832, Vosmaer founded  the house of King Laiwoi named Tebau, and displaced the  Laiwoi royal palace  around the Kendari bay. During the Dutch colonial administration, the city became the capital of Kendari district Laiwoi with an area 31,402 km2.

The original inhabitants of  Southeast Sulawesi province is divided into five ethnic groups: Tolaki, Morunene, Buton, Muna / Wuna and Bajo. Most of the land area of natural forest still covered. friendliness of the people in the regions, local flora and fauna are still preserved and untouched beaches is the uniqueness of Southeast Sulawesi province.
As a trading and port  city, Kendari has several coastal tourism such as :
- nambo beach
- Karang purirano beach
- mayaria beach
- Bungkutoko isl.
- Kendari bay beach
furthermore there is also the center of handicrafts such as silver crafts, gembol crafts, and art of traditional weaving. Other sites that contained no less attractive in the city of Kendari the cultural heritage of King Sao-Sao Tomb and Japanese Tunnel which is a historical tourist sites.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Prehistory in Sulawesi isl. #2

(Palindo megalith statute)
( urn cemetry )
Relics of prehistoric age  that have been found in Sulawesi Tengah ( Central Sulawesi - province) derived from the Neolithic period was stone axes in the form of the invention Donggala district and the district of Poso in  1976. Adriani, AC Kruyt, and Walter  Kaudem was in a certain sense of  europe archeologists which have made discoveries  in the province of Sulawesi Tengah. In his discourse "Van Poso naar een Lindoe Parigi" (1898) and "De West Toradjas in Midden Celebes" (1938), Kruyt mentioned some of the archeological record in Kulawi derived from the Megalithic period such as kalamba in Gimpu, urn cemetry, and crates grave  at Lake Lindu. Walter Kaudem the Swedish published a paper in 1938 "Megalithic Finds in Central Celebes "and writings about ethnography " Structure  and Settlements in Central Celebes ".

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